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Rebeca Cewek Dugem

Cewek Dugem - Singer Rebecca admitted that she had been a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages. Whose name got drunk ever made by Rebecca. But now he promises to stop.


"Inyha Allah can," he said when met at the launch of his second album, 'Rock and Soul', in Kamasutra Crown Hotel, Jl Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, Saturday (14/11/2009) night.

The main reason the Dutch-born women's February 21, 1985 was no longer get drunk of course because he has now become a Muslim. In Islam, consume alcoholic beverages, including the major sins.

Rebecca did not want to tarnish the teachings of Islam which is studying. Tall woman explained that she was impressed with the teachings of Islam.

In Islam, ex-girlfriend Abi Yapto also find peace and meaning of a life. his stop Foto Bugil circulation.

"When he heard tahlilan wow I feel empty again, I felt something next to me and give me strength," he added.

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